Monday, March 7, 2011

Weight loss

As I've said, my main goal is to get  healthier and minimise my chances of damage to my body from eating fructose. However, I do need to lose weight so to lose some weight as well would be great.

I started on Feb 14th, Valentine's Day, so it's been 3 full weeks now. When I weighed myself this morning, I was quite pleased. I've now lost about 3 to 3 1/2 kgs in weight. [I can't be more precise as I swapped scales due to the need to update my old ones and have to guesstimate what I would've started at on these] I hopped on the old dodgy scales - that are about 2kgs under what they should be but should still be consistent for any weight loss - and that said I'd lost 3.5kgs also.


Today, I ate:
Breakfast: Sweet Poison muesli with milk, Wheat Germ and Brewer's Yeast
                   1 mug hot water with 1/2 lemon squeezed in
                   1 mug decaffinated green tea
                   1 mug Rosehips herbal tea
Lunch:        2 slices of buttered toast with no added salt/sugar Peanut Butter
                   2 slices of buttered toast with cheese
Arvo tea:   small glass milk, 1 1/2 mugs flavoured tea (Earl Grey with Jasmine)
Dinner:      Lamb Ragout (diced lamb, onion, carrots, beans, etc), brown rice,  steamed  veggies, banana and most of a pear (shared some with the baby)

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