Friday, February 11, 2011

Teenager's Perspective

Adam, my 14 year old son, said after dinner tonight, "I'm loving this sugar bonanza you're on this week" as they get to share things with me. This was when we were eating the custard tart I bought for dessert. Will he be grateful if he gets tooth decay, Diabetes etc

Made me think, though, how my kids seem to be chocaholics, just like me. Brooke is more like Stew, and knows when she's had enough. The boys and I, though, are piggy wiggys. I have been very bad and given them the same food bad habits I have. I remember Brooke, when she was about 2, saying, "More cocoa, please mummy", which was was how she described chocolate. She used to try and pronounce it 'chocolate' but then we started talking about it in code, using 'cocoa', and she quickly learnt what we were talking about and started to call it 'cocoa' herself. I would sneak around the corner and try and unwrap some chocolate. She'd hear the Cadbury foil be unwrapped and from around the corner, and down the hall, she'd come running, demanding some. Right at the end, hoping for more, she'd say, "Little bit more, Mummy. Little bit more!"

I only used to eat it once a week then, or so. However, when I was doing the Dip Ed., I got into bad habits. It was hard, working all day and studying at night, so I gradually got into the habit of having a choc bar many nights. Boo!

While I was typing the above, my sister rang to say she has Diabetes. She is the oldest of us 5 siblings and the first to get Diabetes. So horrible. I guess some families have other health issues to plague them and, by genetics, ours is Diabetes. At least I don't have mum's high blood pressure but have dad's low blood pressure. It was about 100 over 60 this week, when the doc took it.

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