Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Two steps forward, one step back!

As I said in last night's blog, since I started this on Feb 14th, the only chocolate I've had is my Darrell Lea nougat filled egg, last week, and a sliver of my son's b'day cake last night. Both made me feel sick and gave me a headache. I also confessed to buying some 1/2 priced eggs yesterday. I love bargains and used to love chocolate so it seemed a good buy. I got a 110gm Cherry Ripe egg and a 135g bag of Crunchie eggs with hokey pokey Crunchie pieces in them. Wasn't sure whether to save them til my b'day or give away etc

Just goes to show that I can't have it in the house. There's been chocolate biscuits (good brand like Arnott's Tim Tams etc) in the house since before I started my Sweet Poison journey. They don't tempt me. Amy's normal chocolate easter bunny is there and I'm fine with it. Leftover b'day cake in the fridge and choc chip muffins (left over from Easter as my m-in-law brought them over) in the cupboard don't tempt me. However, knowing this Cherry Ripe egg was in the cupboard did my head in.

Why did it tempt me? Not really for the taste. Just knowing it was there and wanting to get rid of it, I think. If a fructose-eating adult had've been here, I think I would've given it to them but just asked for one little piece to taste it. They weren't here, so I ate it. All 110gm of it. Didn't feel hungry for it or anything, just wanted to have it and see what I felt like.

Until then, today, I'd been doing my usual good thing of having lunch for breakfast and breakfast for lunch. For breakfast, I'd had 4 pieces of toast with mashed avocado and a little tomato. Lunch was Sweet Poison muesli with Brewer's Yeast, Wheat Germ and milk. Besides my herbal teas, that's all I'd had, as per usual.

Crazily, I also wanted to see if I got a headache afterwards and felt sick as I thought maybe it was coincidences the other times. I did!!!!! Could I now be allergic to Fructose? Or maybe sensitive to it or something? Maybe now I've had a break, my body can't tolerate it as well??? Reminds me of that guy in Sweet Poison Quit Plan who tells people he's allergic to it to explain the effects it has on him.

Also, I usually love Cherry Ripes but this egg wasn't anywhere near as good. Either they don't make the easter eggs made out of Cherry Ripes in the same yummy way or I'm losing the taste for them? I hope it's the latter. The nougat egg tasted as good as I remembered them, last week.

Stew is very very disappointed in me as he told me yesterday, when I bought them, that I was in a fructose frenzy. However, I used to buy heaps of 1/2 price eggs so what I bought yesterday seemed so minimal as to be harmless. I am going to give away the bag of Crunchie eggs I bought. Next sugar hit, will hopefully not be til my birthday in August.

Next time I do deliberately have sugar, I'm hoping to not have chocolate. I wonder if just a normal sugar hit, without chocolate, wil have the same effect???? Stew swears that he had massive headaches when he resumed chocolate after his old choc fasts each January. He would have other sugary food in that time but no chocolate. So...I suspect it's maybe the chocolate, as well as the sugar???

Have been re-reading the summary I made of how fructose harms you, that I did from Gillespie's second book. I see that I was temporarily forgetting about the health benefits and just thinking of weight. "I won't gain that much weight from just one choc egg!" however, it's costing my body more than just excess weight. Fructose is plain dangerous and I have seen how this toxin affects me, as I was beginning to forget. In unseen ways, it's harming you!!!

I used to get a lot of headaches before I went fructose aware. Maybe that's why? It was always the fructose. Have had heaps less since. Also, less wind, as Stew tells me!  (-:


  1. I can't have it in the house either. I've the worst headache in the world! Despite knowing that I am trying my darndest to be sugar-free, both sets of parentals gifted us, and the kidlets, with chocolate and I have been scoffing it guiltly ever since. I blame the fructose as I don't get headaches if I eat Green and Blacks 85% dark chocolate... but then again, I was only eating one small square...

    I am re-reading Sweet Poison, so as to re-start my enthusiasm to be sugar-free.

  2. OK, so it looks like it IS the sugar.

    I have been meaning to re-read the Quit Plan but have lent it to my daughter. Might have to take it back...
