Friday, May 27, 2011

8kg lost now & importance of emotional state

"If I had to remove one food from my diet, it would be sugar." Dr Linus Pauling, a Nobel prize winner in chemistry and a researcher and writer in the health field.

Definitely 'over' sickness here but it's still happening. Have been unwell for weeks, baby had a very high temperature yesterday, older kids are sick and having days off school etc
Feeling very yucky. However, Stew says that since we've been sugar aware, he has so much more energy. He gets up at 5.30 to get to work and he can still do this after being up for the babies overnight, if they are sick and wake up etc, due to the way we're eating.

Were you tired of reading those 140 reasons why sugar is bad for you from that book, 'Suicide by Sugar'? Stew was. Sorry if you didn't 'like' them, either. He read them all, and said that they WERE interesting but there were just sooo many of them. The author compiled them over many years so there WOULD be lots!  (-:

Who knew this stuff could be so harmful!

All the weekdays this week, bar Monday (the day I report my weight), my weight's been in the 74kg range - 74.9, 74.5, 74.9, 74.5. Maybe this illness has helped there as it makes me feel sick a lot??? As I said on Facebook this week, I'd prefer the loss to be quicker but keep telling myself that my doctor said, years ago, that slow weight loss is better for your skin to be able to adjust well, especially if you're older. Considering I'm not 'dieting', an 8kg weight loss over the 3 and a half months since I started is pretty good, huh! Slowly, surely and healthily...

I learnt a lot from that 'Suicide by Sugar' book. As has been said, sugar is not good for the levels of much-needed minerals in our bodies. From page 26:

"Sugar is an acid-forming food. Therefore, our bodies can become acidic when we eat sugar. But, our bodies do not like this acidic state, so they pull minerals (like calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus) from the bloodstream, trying to become alkaline again; trying to regain and maintain homeostasis."

Interestingly though, she also doesn't blame all our problems on sugar, though she certainly maintains that it's the "main culprit". She says this:

"...there are other lifestyle factors that can knock our bodies out of homeostasis. One of these is our emotional state. Therefore, feeling sad, angry or anxious can affect our balanced body chemistry and ultimately have the same effect that consuming sugar would have."

OK, so I must also monitor my emotional state. I don't want to mimic the effect of eating sugar by how I feel. No way, thanks very much!

My youngest son is not doing the Sweet Poison journey, by choice, at this stage. He is currently sick and asked to have some chocolate we'd been given that I was never going to eat. I told him that he is sick and needs his immune system to be well. I read stuff out to him, such as this:

"Sugar suppresses the immune system. It depletes levels of phagocytes (the white blood cells that are needed for strong immune function and that eat up harmful bacteria) and this reduces the body's ability to fight infection and disease."

Yet, he still wanted to eat it! He has yet to read the book. He started it but then got caught up in a good novel and never got back to it. He's finding it much harder to get a sugar hit here, which we warned him. Hopefully, he will get to reading the book and want health for his body.

I told another friend of the book at breastfeeding coffee morning this week, at ABA, and she told me that she is allergic to fructose so would love to read the books, especially the Quit Plan, to learn how to avoid it. She's going to read it from the library first, and then buy it if she likes it, just like I did. Gillespie's message is getting out. Word of mouth is a good thing. As another girl I told about it said the other day, "I like the fact that he doesn't make wild claims or anything. It just all seems so sensible!" Hear hear!

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