Last night, after I cleaned my teeth, Stew got home from Life Group (like a bible study/fellowship group) and presented me with 2 Melting Moments. I was rapt but then dismayed. I can't eat eat such a sugary treat! Stew read my countenance and then happily declared, "They are fructose free!" Oh, such a moment of bliss! He told me the story the following story:
After church a few weeks back, I had seen someone who commented that I'd lost weight so I told them the whole 'Sweet Poison' journey thing. Well, I forgot about all about our conversation. However, Stew told me that that lovely lady had gone away and read the book, after speaking to me, and was doing it too. She had made these from a fructose free recipe with dextrose etc I suspect it may be a Gillespie recipe as it mentions 'Lizzie' in it and I think that was is his wife's name who makes all these recipes.
Due to the already cleaned teeth, I had to wait until today to eat them. Was very hard to wait, I can tell you! They weren't big - roughly about the size of 20c piece each - but they were absolutely delicious. Iced and everything!
See, you never know where telling somebody else what you're doing will lead you. She seemed interested in what I was saying but I didn't know that she'd actually go and do anything about it. I've told many people that I thought would rush out and buy the books/start going sugar free, but they haven't done anything about it. Maybe they're waiting to see if I can stick to it or see if I lose weight etc ??? One friend today, at playgroup, said, "Oh, are you still doing that?" when I brought the topic up as another lass was saying how addicted to sugar she is.
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