Stew made the Melting Moments last night, that cause my 'moment' of serendipity the other day. They were a bit too soft and are still hardening up. He was told that they're better the next day but they're still a bit too soft. Still, very yummy! It is definitely a Gillespie recipe as that friend joined his website. Only reason I haven't joined it yet is that I want to give it a lot of time and use it properly and don't have time, at present.
Here are the last 20 reasons sugar is bad for you. Remember, it's from "Suicide by Sugar: A Startling Look at our #1 National Addiction" by Nancy Appleton, PhD. She tells you not to eat glucose either and to use Stevia, which contradicts what Gillespie says yet her book is published around the same time. She mainly gets stuck into fructose, like Gillespie, but, where I'm up to so far, also tells you not to eat glucose too. I must ask Gillespie some time about it or try and contact Nancy. Still, I am happy to follow what Gillespie says as he went into it quite thoroughly and it worked for him! She doesn't state why she tells you not to eat it but just lists glucose in the 'do not have' section.
- Sugar can cause brain decay in pre-diabetic and diabetic women.
- Sugar can increase the risk of stomach cancer.
- Sugar can cause metabolic syndrome.
- Sugar increases neural tube defects in embryos when it is consumed by pregnant women.
- Sugar can cause asthma.
- Sugar increases the chances of getting irritable bowel syndrome.
- Sugar can affect central reward systems.
- Sugar can cause cancer of the rectum.
- Sugar can cause endometrial cancer.
- Sugar can cause renal (kidney) cell cancer.
- Sugar can cause liver tumors.
- Sugar can increase inflammatory markers in the bloodstreams of overweight people.
- Sugar plays a role in the cause and continuation of acne.
- Sugar can ruin the sex life of both men and women by turning off the gene that controls the sex hormone.
- Sugar can cause fatigue, moodiness, nervousness, and depression.
- Sugar can make many essential nutrients less available to cells.
- Sugar can increase uric acid in blood.
- Sugar can lead to higher C-peptide concentrations.
- Sugar causes inflammation.
- Cugar can cause diverticulitis, a small bulging sac pushing outward from the colon wall that is inflammed.
I can get asthma so no.5 is interesting. With diabetes running in my family so majorly, I do NOT want this brain decay mentioned in no. 1!!! I am sure I've had this Irritable Bowel Syndrome thing, at times, so no. 6 is telling.
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