Thursday, February 10, 2011

The greediest list ever - Sugar Bonanza

In the 'Sweet Poison Quit Plan', David suggests you have a last sugary thing - like glass of Cooke or Mars Bar - before you start. This is not for me. I wrote up this big wish list in this, my WEEK of sugar bonanza. I know, I'm totally crazy. Stew thinks it'll make the sugar withdrawal harder.

Here's my wish list for this week:
  • Cherry Ripe
  • Stunner meal at Hungry Jack's with frozen Coke
  • Apple & Custard scroll from Baker's Delight
  • Coke Float from McD
  • Cadbury Chocolate bars: Crunchie, Snack, Fruit&Nut, Dark Chocolate Peppermint, Dark Chocolate Crunchy Toffee and Old Jamaica
  • Mars bar lines: Mars Bar, Snickers, Caramel Mars, Triple Choc Mars
  • Vanilla Coke
  • Toblerone
  • Boost Shake
  • Cinnamon Donut
  • Cheesecake Shop cheesecake
  • Woolworths Mud Cake
  • Custard Tart
  • Vienetta
  • Heaven ice cream on stick with Macademia
  • Slurpee from 7-Eleven
  • etc
If you hear that I died, then I got through the whole lot in one week!!!!!    (-:

Thankfully, I have 5 kids to share it with. Well, the older 3 could share some as the baby girls are too young, both being under 2.

If you know me personally and never knew I was a greedy pig, then you do now! Now do you see why I have to do it?


  1. Loving the blog!! I certainly "get" where you are at with a sugar binge before you take the plunge on the 14th.

    If you are working full time or away from the temptation of a fully loaded pantry, it is so much easier than being tempted to eat sweet treats when tiredness sets in. Also, with so many children, there always seems the need to have lots of goodies in the pantry in case company arrives.

    I guess you will have one massive headache when you start to withdraw? I changed from normal coffee to decaf when we decided to have our 5th baby. I had a massive headache for a week!! Now I am a caffeine free girl all the way otherwise I get a migraine.

    Eat all the scrummy treats and enjoy, while you can!! xoxoxo

  2. Thanks Ros. I must re-read the side effects of withdrawal. I do think you are right and a headache or two (or many) will come my way!

    Good for you for the decaf switch! I haven't really drunk normal tea or coffee since I was 15. [I did have one or two cups when I stayed up all night to get essays done, when I was about 19, thinking it'd help me stay awake, but it didn't. Never felt so sleepy!

    In January, I started to have, very occasionally, some fancy teas - like Cherry Ripe flavoured black tea - from Tea Leaves, in Sassafrass. However, that's very rare. Usually, I just have herbal teas. Have you tried them? There's some great ones around.

    Well, I'm getting very sugared out, at present. Not so sure I'm being wise but anyway...!!!

  3. Hi there :)
    I arrived here via the Sweet Poison FB page. Your list made me laugh! I had to comment :) Mine involved eating most of a pavlova, several boxes of Magnums, and cartons of Darrell Lea soft centres :) But that was over a month ago and I honestly don't miss anything except my habitual chocolate (most nights; with coffee, first thing in the morning on weekends..). I've found the habits are definitely the hardest to break - goodness only knows how I am going to go when I get back to work and have stacks of essays to mark sans M&Ms!

    Anyway, just saying hi :)

  4. Hi there!

    Glad you weren't repulsed by my greedy list! Pretty bad, huh! Mmmm, Darrel Lea was a weakness of mine too but let's not go there. (I adore their nougat Easter eggs so Easter will be hard, I think!)

    Yes, those habits are definitely hard. I have 3 older kids and 2 babies. On hard days, with the babies, I'd reach for chocolate. Nothing now!

    Are you a teacher? I am too. Secondary English teacher. May go back to work next year so the marking, sans chocolate, will be very difficult, I agree! (-:

    Only occasionally yearn for chocolate. I was a very big chocaholic... I've been doing it for 3 full weeks now.

    Hi to you, as well!

  5. Ha! :) I teach Secondary English as well. Must be something about books and chocolate? :) I'm back at work in Term 3, hopefully I will have this addiction under control by then.

    I have only two kids (E, aged 3; B 9mnths) but hard days leave me LONGING for chocolate. But, I'm pretty sure this sugar-free business in the way to go - I think I just need sugar-free snacks.


  6. Oh, we are suckers for punishment teaching English with all that marking! All the best for Term 3, I say.

    It's getting easier not to eat it but I think that I'll always have a yearning for my old friend - chocolate - somewhere inside me. Ahhh!

    Will need to investigate more non-fructose snacks. Chips? Cheese and crackers??
