Sunday, February 20, 2011

Craving Sugar but a little lost weight!

Stew and I sure are craving badly sometimes!

We crave different things. He craves jam on his toast and biscuits etc. I crave chocolate, ice cream, flavoured yogurts etc I told him that he has good willpower and can stop at one square of chocolate so he can have one sometimes, or a little jam on his toast etc I think he's telling himself that this is like a competition and he will NOT be the one to cave! I am pretty stubborn when I want to, so we'll see how we go.

It's very hard sometimes. We get headaches, feel grumpy, have these cravings etc

I have lost 2kgs since last Monday. However, I'm not limiting portions really, just concentrating on getting through withdrawal. Then, I may find that my appetite control switch is working better so I can eat less overall???

The kids are still stunned with the thought that I'll never eat sugar again. I said, "I may have it every now and again but not for quite a while. I need to get over my addiciton first!"


  1. It's werid, I'm not always hungry but I just want something to eat.

  2. Congratulations!! Wow, 2kg down, well done you!! It has been such a change for your body, I admire your dedication ~ both you and Stew! Looking forward to reading the results of week two ~ yay for you, Sugar-Free Fi!! xoxoxo

  3. Thanks Ros, for the encouraging words. It does help...

    I think it'll come off slowly, though, Ros. Gillespie said it took him 2 years to lose the 40kgs. I don't have that much to lose - phew! - but it still will be slow. I hope so as I want my skin to adjust well.

    Stew, me too!
