It seems I am telling others the important sugary message to try and influence their awareness and, hopefully, consumption of sugar. I have told people, in my statuses, to read Gillespie's book and keep advertising my blog regularly. Do I want people to know my real weight? No, not really. But...I DO want to get the good message out.
My most recent Facebook status:
"When we eat sugar, our bodies can only respond in one way. They must adjust and try to rebalance themselves after each sugary insult. This balancing act pulls minerals from the body where they are needed and messes up body chemistry, eventually making us sick. Considering the amount of sugar we eat, our bodies do not have the digestive mechanisms to handle the glut of sugar that we consume on a daily basis." from 'Suicide by Sugar: A Startling Look at Our #1 National Addiction. Why our Sweet tooth May Be Killing Us' by Nancy Appleton, PhD & G.N. Jacobs
[Put this status up 25 minutes ago and there's already a comment and a 'like'. (-: ]
Another post a few days back:
· Am reading 'Suicide by Sugar: A startling look at our #1 National Addiction. Why our sweet tooth may be killing us.' Interesting reading, thanks to FTG library doing an Inter Library Loan for me, and Goulburn Valley library services lending it out. Gotta love libraries...
Went on to say:
Read the first chapter so far and, yes, it's very interesting. Love the American arrogance in the title. Yes, it's only a problem that affects the nation of America...not! That's why the Sweet Poison books are so wonderful. They're written an Aussie who doesn't assume that everybody reading the book is an Australian. Only Americans do that in their books, and I hate it. Don't get me wrong, I love America and my American friends, but books from there can irritate me in their egocentricity (spelling?
Last week, I wrote:
More weight lost. Thank God for the Sweet Poison books that have changed my life and brought health to my body...
My sister, who told me last year I had a sugar addiction, but didn't tell me how to fix it but said she knew some books that could: If only you'd listened to me
Me: You never sent those books so how could I! LOL
My sister: Double lol. You should have just listened to my wisdom, who needs proof!
Me: True, oh wise one! However, you did say the books would help... :-)
My sister: Books do make a huge difference. You need extremely good reasons to give up chocolate! Funny thing is that after you don't have it for a while, you actually can take or leave it.
Me: I will always have am affinity for that stuff, alas, I think, even if the reality doesnt match the anticipation...
The above conversation with my sister brings up a good point. I knew that I was addicted to sugar but it seemed too big a problem. Back then, I didn't know where to start in removing it from my diet. Enter Gillespie's books to help me! By the way, I don't think the books my sister read, were Gillespie's ones so, as he says, there are other good books out there trying to help us...
Thank the Lord for Gillespie's books. I don't worship the guy or anything but am extremely grateful that he wrote them, Penguin published them and the message is getting out. It's changed my life! Thanks Gillespie! [And thanks to this Nancy person, whose book I'm currently reading. She's been trying to get her message out for years...]