Somebody I know sent me this message privately on FB:
a tip to share with you...if you don't mind!
Just read your blog. Milk is a meal as you may know (baby's live only on milk and it suffices them) so having milk after a meal is a meal x 2. Try drinking mineral water with no flavours and slice a lemon into it. A croissant (sp) is so full of butter you are better off with a rye salad sandwich (use avocado as the butter, tomato, lettuce, grated carrot, cucumber and add cheese or tuna/salmon if desired. If your food satisfies your cells (nutrition wise) you will not be hungry. I try to stay away from bread but if I do eat it Burgen rye is so nice...but being in Melb you probably have more choices! Bakers Delight does not do rye over here.
Just read your blog. Milk is a meal as you may know (baby's live only on milk and it suffices them) so having milk after a meal is a meal x 2. Try drinking mineral water with no flavours and slice a lemon into it. A croissant (sp) is so full of butter you are better off with a rye salad sandwich (use avocado as the butter, tomato, lettuce, grated carrot, cucumber and add cheese or tuna/salmon if desired. If your food satisfies your cells (nutrition wise) you will not be hungry. I try to stay away from bread but if I do eat it Burgen rye is so nice...but being in Melb you probably have more choices! Bakers Delight does not do rye over here.
Somebody else commented, after a previous blog, that I was eating too many carbs and not enough protein, so that is why I get so hungry sometimes. They wisely pointed out that protein makes you feel more full whereas carbs don't satisfy for long.
I am grateful that they sent me this feedback.. I will never take offense to any well-meaning advice or criticism. Unless you're outright rude etc (-:
At the moment, I've been doing this for 3 full weeks now but am still getting over my addiction so I have relaxed many rules. I have always been a bread lover so I know I probably have to cut back from the 4 slices I usually have per day. [Occasionally, more than this but that's rare]
About milk - they are right that it's like a meal. I have read read this too. It's a 'complete food', isn't it? I only rarely have a little glass of milk between meals as I don't like the taste of plain milk much. However, I've also read that we shouldn't just have 3 square meals a day but should more graze. So, is it OK to have milk as a snack/little meal or not?
Hmmm...I must try this mineral water. Brushes with it, when I was young, made me think it was not nice but I should try again as an adult. That rye salad sandwich sounds nice. I really should eat more fish and do like tuna. [Not a big salmon lover, though]
The person that said I need to eat more protein, especially for breakfast [as I wrote in my blog that I got hungry again before lunch], is also right. However, I need quick breakfasts with my two baby girls to care for. The youngest can just sit on the floor and cry all during breakfast (teething at present) so it's gotta be quick. Boiling eggs etc is out. If you can think of quick protein breakfasts, I'd love to hear your ideas.
So far, breakfast is usually the Sweet Poison muesli with milk, Brewer's Yeast and Wheat Germ (with plain yogurt, if we have it) or porridge (microwaved) with Brewer's Yeast, Wheat Germ, Cinnamon and a cut up pear with milk. The Sweet Poison muesli, a recipe from the Quit Plan, is yummy. It has unsalted peanuts, macadamias and wanuts (partly blended up), rolled oats, dessicated coconut and sunflower seeds. [Stew loves it too but he's currently helping me by using up the three bags of store bought muesli so he mixes the two mueslis together.]
As for croissants. Does anybody know if they are that bad for you? Isn't butter good for you? I'm confused. Anyway, my daughter works at Baker's Delight casually, around school. She used to bring me home date scones, apple and custard scrolls etc She cannot do that now so I've told her that I will have croissants just so she can bring me home something! She can't always bring anything home but it's nice when she can. If I need to give them up, once I'm well into this, well I will. But I hope they're not too bad for you????? I love them with butter and cheese. Yum!
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